
$10 Million Poker Tournament to Be Organized by Wynn

$10 Million Poker Tournament to Be Organized by Wynn

Wynn will host the most prestigious poker tournament in history, with a prize pool of $10 million on the line. It is believed to be the biggest guarantee over a poker tournament in a long time. It will be organized in Las Vegas, the city famous for nightclubs and poker plays. 

As the day for the grand event is approaching, the executive director for such poker events, Mr. Beauregard, says the excitement of the game is all over the place. However, he also finds his mood shifting a couple of times in the day because he realizes the pressure of the game. The game is all set to begin on Friday and is called the ‘The Wynn millions’ where a $10,000 buy-in amount is required, and if you win, you take home $10 million. The play will continue for three days, and the final round of the pool will be played on 3rd July. 

There is a rough requirement of one thousand entrants to meet the prize promised to the winners. Although it wouldn’t harm if the number of entrants increases to 1,064, it wouldn’t be of any harm as a $600 fee per entry has been placed on the participants to help out with the other added expenses of the tournament such as house and staff. 

The Executive Director was very certain that they would receive more than 1,500 entries for the game. He also said that he is happy to organize such an event because the World Series of Poker got delayed until September. 

With the time in hand, it was a great time to organize such a large-field event. Kevin Mathers, world-renowned for his poker skills, says that he does not recall a time when more than $5 million were put up as a poker tournament guarantee. So, it is evident that this tournament will grab the eyes.

This tournament is a part of the Wynn Summer Classic and has attracted a lot of Poker Lovers.


Margaret Casey
Margaret Casey is devoted to online casino games, and gradually she turned to write about the latest Las Vegas Casino news stories. She loves to write about casino games and cover the latest casino news in Las Vegas.

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